Sunday, November 25, 2007

I have not gone dominant in espousing on some thought(s). The latest thoughts have gone from one idea to the next than to the next than back to the beginning.

What I am grazing through is conversion. When does it start, what is it called, does it ever stop, when does one know fully this in when I was converted. Or is it truly how we evangelicals have explained it to be the accurate way of viewing conversion. There is no secret to those that know me that I am about raising disciples of Christ , not just some people that seem to be barely hanging on to a fire breaching policy that they hope that can be redeemed at the moment of being place six feet under ground. So the initial question was raised when does one become a disciple, well the jury is out on this still, but in much deliberation about what it means to be a disciple and the cost, hopefully soon they will bring in a verdict. Maybe without any unreasonable doubt they are correct. But any who, conversion is tied into one being disciple, somewhere in this process.

Then comes the questions of Lordship and Savior, which is the correct order of understanding how a person is converted. Is it simply a simple prayer that anyone can pray on their death bed to a five year old praying it and one day grows into understanding Christ's Lordship? I understand that we all learn and grow in stages, if this is so then why does the evangelical circles place an emphasis on a central point of a conversion that leads to other stages, or is it that this stage is dressed in a new array? For me this means that there is a there was and now there is, meaning simply old then, new now. But this thought seems to go against what Christ taught. Even Paul states the new creation, but states that God is perfecting us through Christ. So which is it, is it now or coming into being? Or is it both and? Well these are my thoughts of lately, if you have any good insightful thoughts please share, I would love be stretch more than I am.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Memories are like a fine wine that is appreciated at its full age or the fullness of its flavor. My memories parallel such a thought. Then there are those that are so pleasant they are more like having to eat liver and onions, even when you are told of this travesty your stomach starts to swirl in anticipation of a night of bowing before the porcelain throne. Maybe that is stretch but I hope you get the gist. The reason I am thinking about past memories is that this month of November has always been a month of found memories. Such as when I was a boy maybe about 8 or so, my uncle's and their friends would get together and play football on Thanksgiving day. I remember going to the park where they played for several years. It was a special time for it was me and my grandfather who would take me, and we would sometimes bring Brandy (granddad's golden retriever). This particular year I remember be allowed to play with my uncle's and their friends, I must note that it was not two hand touch. So there I was 8 or so playing football with 20 year olds, I thought I just made it to the big times, I tell you what. I got run a few plays before the sideline me, but what a memory. Not to mention the feasts at Thanksgiving at my grandma's house.

There are others that stand out to me, I remember when my aunt and me did not talk , for almost year and half or so, for us that is like an eternity. My aunt and myself have been close my whole life, she is only about 10 years older than me, so our relationship is more like a distant younger brother to an older sister. But I remember coming over to her and my uncle's house for Thanksgiving after we have talk on the phone to see if I would be allowed over. You might being saying what happen, well I was not a real grateful person back then. I thought everyone one owed because of my childhood. I took it out on my dear aunt and uncle, for they both were there to support me and help me, not be a Crux. I wanted crutches. Nevertheless, I was ashamed of by actions I pulled away of disappointed, but that day God showed me what grace is. I try to apologize, when I tried to utter those words my aunt said no need. It was in her voice I have forgiven you, likewise with my uncle. What a Thanksgiving memory.

Then there many others that held under strict lock and key, but these moments that turned into memories have formed me into who I am today. What a thought of time past and the future to unravel and the present to live within.