I must admit my last post was a bit emo, but it was where my heart was for the past months. I will state that this God just does not allow us to stay at one place to long, at least this my experience. This past Sunday is one of those moments, the message was on our true identity that comes from God.
The point that stood the most to me was that the only image we ought to be concern with is becoming the image of the creator, for it is His image we are design to be like. Though I am still perplex why is so hard to be in His image? I understand for a theological standpoint that sin plays a major role in our defiance of being in His image. Question... if we are a new creation in His son, why do many of us struggle with living as this new creation?
Most God-fearing people read the bible, pray, serve and worship with what they got to give the Lord of Hosts, but still fight desperately to not be the old man. Is it simple so we can fully understand his grace? Or is it much simpler than that. Meaning does God just want us to set our mind each and every day to live in His image. To write this is sounds so simple, but the sense of the old man still lurks within my mind, how does one eradicated it? Maybe for many of us that deal with this it is our thorn in our flesh.
I know I am going to make each day a day that I consciencely choose to become more like Christ so that I am not consumed with how I could be from a past of destruction. I must admit it is odd for a person that has been educated in theology and been a believer for over 15 yrs, to admit this struggle, but I assume that I am not the only one that is a minister that struggles with this, and beyond that most laypersons as well. I pray that God speaks to your heart and restores within you a spirit of strength not timidity.
I am alive in Christ Jesus our Lord!!!!
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