It is a Saturday late morning and I am asking myself what is the next big adventure to come. This time of the year I am a bit more melancholy about life, for I reflect on what has taken place and start to look into the darkness of the unknown called 'future'. I am uncertain what 2008 is going to look like, I am not in school at the moment so that constant is not there, I am writng, but really going nowhere. So what am I going to do? Seems that we all have decisions to make, but some ones are not all that fun making. Wouldn't it be rad if we has a Ice Cream Truck that came by our homes that not only sold ice cream and good treats but also had options of what to do next and you buy one for a dollar try it out for a week if ti did not work or suit you you could buy another one from that Ice Cream Truck the next week. Child's thinking, I know, but it would be fun.
The eluding answers for me are employment at a place where I can really grow and be challenged, where will I be living in Cali or somewhere else, and the kicker of all where will I be going for Seminary. To be honest living in Cali is getting to expensive for this low-income person can handle. I know we are to place our trust in God in regards to our provision, but in other places like the Proverbs it says we ought to be about be productive and not be slothful in our daily living. So a question arises where is the balance?
Any who-ti-hoot, I am grateful for a year of great triumphs, one being graduating a 7 year plan of College. Whoot -whoot!!!!! I am the second in my family to have a Bachelors, and the only one of my siblings to have one. So that is a feat in of itself, it only took me until I was 31 to achieve such a goal. I am gaining more control over my lust issues, and why I fall prey to them. My faith in God has grown more this year, maybe not grown but has gotten stronger than in previous years. There has been a lot of good this past year and a bit of not so good moments. All in all I am excited to see what 2008 will bring. If I could make a wish list of things to happen here it is...
- Have a deeper relation with God through a contemplative life
- Meet my wife to be and court her
- Get a job that pays at least $50,000 a yr. (something I will enjoy doing)
- Get ahead in my finances
- Go to seminary (hopefully Talbot)
- Travel more
- Spend more intentional time with friends and family
- Explore how to run a coffee business
- Lose more weight, hopefully get under 200 lbs in 08'
- Go to more Angels Baseball games
- Be open for other adventures that come my way
This is what I hope for in 08', maybe you all will be apart of the life with Uncle Mikey....
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