Raw frustration ought to fuel our passions and desires to drive us to better ourselves and those to whom we ministered to. The reason I state this is quite simple I am frustrated with ministries that cultivate a sense of do's and dont's in their ministries. Do and Dont's (law) are to be guides in this life. From the pages of scripture speaks that the law is not the ends, they are means to an end of transformation to become holy beings that are in direct image of God. The Apostle Paul points this fact out repeatedly about the law does not provide grace, mercy or transformation. If we as ministers are to convey this truth and echo Jesus in being relational why then do we build ourselves standards that God does not even hold us to?
This question is a loaded question and caution is given to where and how it is unloaded. I am intending to ask simply why is hard to live a transformed life and require rules in how that life is transformed? For instance, in youth ministry when a youth misses due to various reasons, but is a devout member and serves with a servants heart, but is question what is wrong, are you doing okay... meaning have you fallen from grace. This is applicable to even those that are not so devout. These statements comes from Pastors, Leaders, Lay people, and peers at all levels within the church. But Why? At times due to our culture of complacent activity within the church it is warranted for rebuke and reproof. I understand this for I have done it, as reflection upon this topic I have abused my freedom. What is the point of discussing this issue, does this absurd of freedom in the Spirit to question others done in love? Or is it done because we have become an institution of do's and dont's? This question has been raised within me for some time, and when I see and hear followers of Christ question what is the importance of fellowship of the brethren due to overcontroling concerns, it saddens my heart. I do not know how to answer this dilemma, but to offer hope that Jesus wants first a transformed heart then the behavior will follow. But then at times followers are do just that are being questioned unreasonably for the sake of the institution.
What are we a institution believers or a living, relational, transforming body of believers?