Moments are a precious commodity these days, I suppose if you in a metropolitan region. Where life moves at the speed of light. Why talk about moments, because we all have them they are either great moments in time or horrible ones. Several thoughts arise from idea of a moment, what is a moment? How does it work? Are they frozen in time or space? Are they non-existent anymore except from the moments that are etched into our brain? The limit of questions is limitless in regards to moments. But why is this so? Why are we humans so enthralled with living within the moment, capturing the moment or trying to relive a moment that has passed?
To be honest I only understand time in the manner of the time I am in now, right here typing this blog, the time that was at the beginning of this blog is now gone, but I am still typing. This is a surreal thought for time keeps moving, but our mind can pull up a data base of fragment pieces of time and replay them so we are not lost in the present moment. Boy this sounds cumbersome to think in such a way.
I believe that God is the originator of time and the existence of moments. But wants astounds me more is that how can truly our minds capture a moment in time, process it, evaluate it, store it in a proper context (hopefully) and recall it like a motion picture. For me to explain this better is like how old fashion cartoons were drawn, and still are to this day. Well the t.v. motion cartoons, where they would draw frame by frame to give an illusion of time elapsing with what was drawn. Cause if you were to see each individual frame set next to each other and seen in order you could possibly see how the characters and scenery moves. But once they are layered on top of each other then moved in a rapid order you then see those frames become a fluid action like that of real time. Please forgive me if I have not represented this art form well, it is how I understand as of today.
If moments go by, and are lost at times, but within our mind we can recover them does time truly keep moving without stopping? Or is it that we are living within finite world that the realm of progressing within time and digressing time is not available in our current state. If this has perplexed you, good it should. The only rational explanation for this occurrences is that there is a high force that has limited our need of time. This entity has placed moments to stop or start over again for a reason beyond our human supreme understanding. Once again God the creator of substance created a world where time has limits so that His creation would see His great power and see Him as worthy of high praise for creating such a plane of moments that are captured within the human mind, but never again able to be relived in that particular moment. How great is the God of this universe.
There might be another way of understanding the issue of time and why it is limited to moments that once were and another has taken its place, right now this how I understand it.
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