Imagine that you were at the edge of of cliff called life. There are obvious four distinct areas you notice as you stand at this edge. Your body is tense in anticipation, your mind is throbbing, your heart is about to explode due to the amount of stress you are feeling. You try to contemplate why and how you have gotten here.
But that does not seem as pressing as wondering why below you is a eternal fall off from the cliff into a black abyss. Viewing such a sight sends shivers from your hairs ends to the tips of your extremities. You know whatever is far down there is a place of pain, torment, suffering, and unrest.
Then you notice that in front of you is a picture of something that has a translucent appearance, this picture baffles you cause you think it is another cliff not to far away. But then you think it might just be the open sky just a bit murky, but whatever you think it is you wish the picture would become clear with such clarity that will tell you which way you ought to take at this place of decision.
At the moment that you start to sense a bit of clarity of the distance of uncertainty you feel with certainty what lies behind you. You peer back and see that its your past of joys, hurts, laughs, tears, anger, envy, people you hate - you love, and even a sense of familiarity. Your past is calling come back to your life of strife, but of what is known to you. For here you can reason within your known knowledge and live as you know currently without risk of losing life.
The vast sky that is deepen with a rich color that is indescribable and that contains a bright light that does not scorch your skin, but gives warmth and rejuvenation to your soul. You look upwards to try to attain insight of where this overwhelming sensation is coming from. As you peer all you see is a bright sun that is restoring your faith, your joy, and your love. You are perplexed at this experience it is nothing you have ever experienced. You are wondering how can one continue to have this experience every second, every minute, every hour and day.
You realize with all of these four situations presented to you, there is a question being ask: What are you going to do? End this life by diving into a life suffering abyss, stay in a place of certainty. Or begin to trust a experience that brings life into focus in restoring the soul so you can take a step into the unknown and see that unclear picture come into focus. What a point on a cliff to ponder such thoughts, but still "What are you going to do?"
What are you going to do?
What are you going to do?
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