Thursday, December 20, 2007
Kickin' Chick-Fil-A Style
Saturday, December 15, 2007

- Have a deeper relation with God through a contemplative life
- Meet my wife to be and court her
- Get a job that pays at least $50,000 a yr. (something I will enjoy doing)
- Get ahead in my finances
- Go to seminary (hopefully Talbot)
- Travel more
- Spend more intentional time with friends and family
- Explore how to run a coffee business
- Lose more weight, hopefully get under 200 lbs in 08'
- Go to more Angels Baseball games
- Be open for other adventures that come my way
This is what I hope for in 08', maybe you all will be apart of the life with Uncle Mikey....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Are we really so Despondent

Jesus' birth is of a miraculous conception, and a story of redemption in of itself, pre-crucifixion. Meaning that those within this narrative of Jesus' birth experience trials of disbelief and encounter God's redemptive love. As many follower's of Christ would say that nothing would stop God's plan, I agree, but just think of the stubbornness of Zacharias and the disbelief of Joesph. One did not think God would allow his wife to become pregnant due to her age, one thought to divorce his wife to be in secret. But both men found redemption in their disbelief from holding onto a slight faith that God was going to allow these two babies to be born, one being John the Baptist, the other being Jesus.
I have shared a brief snapshot insight to the narrative story of Jesus' birth, but in today's Church there is apathy towards this magnificent narrative of God's love for his children. Why is this so? Is it that the Church has bought into the consumerism lie of this pretentious holiday? Or is it that the Church has lost the excitement of the waiting for the Messiah to be born? What has caused our young men and women to not care to hear this story again?
You might think it is because they are young and have no sense of tradition? Yeah, I could see that point, but I will raise the level to say it is not that there are not interesting in hearing it, maybe we have been telling the narrative in a way that has aided them to grow despondent to this wonderful narrative. I be one of them for many years. I always look forward to the death and Resurrection more than Christmas, for the sear fact that people were a bit more genuine in their worship of receiving something they did not deserve. Man what would it be like if we treated the birth of Christ in the same manner, and try to utter the words of Simeon, "for my eyes have seen your salvation" (Luke 2:30) And praise God with the same intense vigor as we do with His death and resurrection.
This narrative is the beginning of the virtuous life of our Lord and Savior. WOW!!! I am excited to celebrate Jesus' birth, I am in anticipation for that star to shine brightly, to place myself in the shoes (or sandals) of the Sheppard's, the wise man, even the livestock, or the donkey that carried Mary to Bethlehem. Let us live in a triumphant state for our hope and faith rests in the birth of Jesus.
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Are you going to be a Blessing?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

2. Marry and raise a Family
3. Pastor College Students
4. Plant House Churches near or at College Campuses
5. Open a Coffee House Near a College - Develop My Cooking Skills
6. Achieve a Master’s and Doctorate degrees
7. Become a College Professor for Discipleship
8. Drive a Drag Strip Top Fuel or Funny Car
9. Sky Dive
10. Bunge Jump
11. Rebuild a Few cars
12. Build my own Chopper - Motorcycle
13. Read many books – Theology –Practical – Novel – Biographies
14. Work on a Res. Life staff (again)
15. Travel
16. Build an add on to a house to house those that need a place to live
17. Go Camping More
18. Off road fun toys
19. On water fun toys
20. Go to Amusement Parks throughout the world
Friday, October 5, 2007
What are you going to do?

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Needing College Resources
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thoughts of Transititon

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thoughts Made Bare

Monday, September 17, 2007
Worthy or Not Worthy

Friday, September 14, 2007
I Will Never Understand
The story goes as this. I was working one night it was about 8:45 to 9 pm, the place of my employment gets a phone call asking, the question that drives all night employees crazy, what time to you close. The person that ask that question also ask if I was working, after the manager confirmed that I was indeed working, the manger showed me the name on the caller id. I look at the name did not compute right away. Then when I had a moment to think I remember it was a Pastor from the local area. The manger told me it must have been the Pastors wife calling. I thought sweet deal i have seen the Pastor and his wife for some time. about a half hour passes. She shows not with her husband, but with two of her girlfriends. I initially did not think much of it, due the fact we were flat hopping that night at work(we were heck of busy). I got a moment to speak with the Pastor's wife briefly, during the conversation she leaned closer to me to state that one of the young ladies that were with her saw my profile on one of the dating websites. And this young lady wanted to know if I was still in the process of dating. Seems not to be a big deal, right?
Well, it is for several reasons, one being that from my perspective that environment to introduce one to another for a dating experience is not kosher. The second, is why did not this girl write to me on that website, never got a message. Third, is showed me that this young lady was desperate for a date, or even a wham bam thank you mam relationship like it was 1999 when the world was suppose to end. Another fact that ought to be pointed out was that they waited in the restaurant for about a half hour to wait to talk to me, but like I stated we were busy, I just could not get a away. Even when I had a brief moment I used it to relieve my self and gather my thoughts on what I would say. As soon as I was about to speak with them I was needed in the drive-thru. Then shortly after that they left.
My issue is not entirely on them coming into the place where I work, though that did seem to corner me to make some kind of decision on the spot. It is like trapping a wild tiger in a corner, all he is trying to do is get away, but when he senses his life in jeopardy h will attack. I not saying I was going to attack them in a verbal assault. But my words probably would not be a soft as they possibly could be. Then I had another dilemma I have a particular interest in the women I seek for a relationship. I prefer women of differing ethnicity. I am not saying their are not women of my own ethnicity that I would not mind dating, but I have my own preference. So my question how do you tell a young lady that is exciting in meeting you that you are not interested due to your preferences. The reason I state this is that most women want truth but when it is told to them they freak out and say that us men are not sensitive to their needs.
Well I have this experience to share and hear responses like this or just comments about your thoughts on this situation.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Is there One Image or is There Two?
Image is everything for all people; this statement might be ambiguous due to the nature of the repetition of this topic. The truth is that humanity as a whole seeks to find it image in various ways from the western ideal of the "pursuit of happiness" to understanding ones role with a tribal community in Papa New Guinea. Image is what humanity uses to explain its place in this vast world of diverse cultures. The question is why comment on the idea of image, reason being I was reading about the Colossae Church and came upon this quote, "we share in Christ's image, when we belong to Him." (Paul & His letters, Polhill, p. 341) This statement for Christians that follow after His teachings this is a very true statement. Believers are encouraged by the Apostle Paul to become imitators of Christ (Eph. 4:1). Likewise John wrote his 3rd letter, 3:11, states that believers out to chose to imitate good rather than evil, for those that claim to be followers of God and do evil do not know or see Him.
In not dragging out this idea image here is an example: if a person that portrays themselves as an athlete, the person dresses in cut off shirts, sport shorts, cross training shoes, and looks like the just workout or going too eventually. But that is just a look or better said an appearance of an athlete, but the testing of the validity of this identity is in knowing the persons actions. Actions are the tell tale sign of if a person is truly what they appear to be. With that said, is being an athlete the person's true image or identity? How does a person determine their image? It can be said that an athlete can find identity in being an athlete, if this is the only identity they find. Most of the time there is a duality to their image, there is the athlete and there is the essence of the person: i.e. - personality, character, intelligence and etc. There appears to more than just one identity in one person if we are to compartmentalize all these aspects. How then can a person be of one image/identity and still be a whole person?
This line of thinking started with the above quote of sharing in Christ's image. What struck me about this statement when I broke it down is there might be two images that humanity has been given. First, in Genesis 1:26 God said, "let's make man in our image" so man was made in the image of God. Second, is for believers that have surrender their life unto Christ as He becomes Lord, they assume the image or identity of Christ. Can this image of God be the same of the identity of Christ? The answer is yes to those that are living sacrifices unto Jesus. Another question arises, is there any distinction between a generic image of God to an image in Christ Jesus? I believe there is a difference, but the same God that allows the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust. When God created man was perfect and bares the perfect of image of God. Then man fell and lost that perfect image of God, so in essence humanity carries partial of the image of God, but the image is deficient due to the sin nature of mankind. Therefore, when a person is called into repentance and receives forgiveness of their sins, the once broken, the once partial image/identity is being made whole again and will be perfected the day all followers of Christ are united with their Lord and King.